The Key West Songwriters Festival 2025!
Celebrate Songwriting in Key West
One of the largest songwriting events in the world. Every May, for over 20 years, music fans, performers, and Key West locals have gathered together to enjoy music at many of Key West’s most popular beaches, boats, bars, resorts, and historic theaters.
April 30-May 4,2025
The 29th Annual Key West Songwriters Festival
The Key West Songwriters Festival is the largest festival of its kind in the world, and known as a career starter for top country talent.
Join us for one of the best events of the year! Key West’s Annual Singer Songwriters Festival is the largest of its kind in the world. Enjoy 5 days and nights of musical bliss, as you see and hear countless musicians at various locations throughout the island. Venues include beaches, boats, bars, resorts and historic theaters and the best part is most of the shows are FREE!